30 October 2008

bye bye dialup

The speed is making me dizzy.

17 October 2008

i did a bad bad thing

The gold pocket watch is not intended to be worn when swimming, surfing, water skiing or showering so it's not surprising the guarantee doesn't cover it for water damage of any sort - especially being in the washing machine. Amazingly, after just a soak cycle admittedly, the brave little watch was still ticking. It hung on the washing line for a while and is now basking in the sun on a dashboard with innards exposed.

15 October 2008

snip, snip

The man pruning the town square wisteria with secateurs had help from two others in the cherry picker with chainsaws.
A few hours later half the wisteria has gone and the prunings put through the chipper.
The wisteria is getting a severe pruning because it is too big and heavy for the timber frame. It's been getting too big for years, it was too big in the winter when it had no leaves.

Not so shady now.

04 October 2008

white wildflowers and weeds

Australian hollyhock above (green in the background is the golden canola crop - the yellow flowers have turned into seeds) and a mutant purple paterson's curse below.