31 August 2006

scarey monster

This might work for scaring off some the dangers
in a lizards life but...

it's not going to frighten cars.

23 August 2006

centipede taking a walk

Checking out a likely looking food hidey hole.

No breakfast there.

16 August 2006

alfresco washing

After eleven years or so of being idle in Dulcie's shed the old
Simpson wringer washing machine still works.

08 August 2006

noise pollution

The neighbours had their wheat crop sprayed which
meant this helicopter had to fly over our house
(or near enough to rattle the windows).

06 August 2006

it's spring

The bees are very buzzy in the almond trees.

The two almond trees have managed to flower at the same time this year - they are meant to cross pollinate (or the bees are meant to) so I hope we get lots of almonds....must remember to water the trees.

03 August 2006

lounge lizards

It's just as well I moved the sofa before vacuuming under it or
I may have given these two gekkos a fright or even sucked them up.
They weren't very active, it's probably still a bit cold for them
but next day they had gone.